Preuzimanja Manuals, programs, and other files
Zbirka datoteka za preuzimanje sadrži sva uputstva, programe i druge datoteke koje Vam mogu zatrebati da pokrenete internetsku stranicu.
BestEducationSystem is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 9.02 MB Classing32
Classing is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.82 MB EducationSystem32
EducationSystem32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.04 MB Edusmart32
Edusmart is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.68 MB Elision32
Elision32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 715 kB Kallos32
Kallos32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.3 MB OnlineLearningAcademy32
OnlineLearningAcademy is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.7 MB Royal32
Royal32 is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 4.01 MB Trainingacademy32
TrainingAcademy32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.83 MB
BestEducationSystem is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 9.02 MB Classing32
Classing is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.82 MB EducationSystem32
EducationSystem32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.04 MB Edusmart32
Edusmart is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.68 MB Elision32
Elision32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 715 kB Kallos32
Kallos32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.3 MB OnlineLearningAcademy32
OnlineLearningAcademy is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 1.7 MB Royal32
Royal32 is a Moodle3.2 compatible and bootstrap based theme.
Veličina datoteke: 4.01 MB Trainingacademy32
TrainingAcademy32 is a Moodle 3.2 compatible theme.
Veličina datoteke: 2.83 MB